Google Analytics 101 – an Interview with Terri Jenkins
Google Analytics 101 Interview with Terri Jenkins on Ctrl+Click Cast
One of the great things about being in the SEO business for so long is all the cool people that I’ve met along the way. One of those people is Emily Lewis of Bright Umbrella. She and her partner, Lea Alcantara have a podcast called Ctrl+Click Cast which they graciously asked me to guest on last week.
We had a fairly wide ranging conversation that covered Google Analytics basics, a little about Google Search Console and Google Tag Manager along with some tips on what to track and why. (Hint: It’s to make better business decisions!) Head on over here to have a listen and be sure to let me know what you think. And of course, if you have any questions, give me a call and I’ll be happy to chat about it with you. 🙂
And if we haven’t met yet, that’s ok, you can be the latest cool person that I meet along the way!