Business as Un-“Usual”
We’re all feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. As the coronavirus pandemic continues worldwide, businesses are wondering what the heck is going to happen next and as importantly, what should their actions be?
Of course, caring for your employees and customers and taking appropriate precautions is paramount. For many of us, that means self-quarantining and working from home, washing our hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, etc.
This is an historic challenge, disorienting and fostering a sense of unreality. It will require focusing on moving forward and on realistic goals.
As such, there are real things you can do to help make a tough situation easier.
What we do know is that action will require creative responses from businesses of all types, since this is definitely not “business as usual”. In many case, the creative response will require that businesses completely change their models of service.
As a small example, our local yoga studio is setting-up streaming video of its classes for the first time.
While that may seem old-hat and everyday to you, it required them to bend the ethos of their studio, which is of people practicing in a common, shared, safe environment.
By thinking outside their comfort zone, they’re creating a solution so that they can continue serving their clients and the greater community.
While not much is clear right now, what is clear is that all companies need to continue to think creatively and let the public know that products and services are available from them, and, just as importantly that they are still in business, although possibly at some reduced level or in some cases a greatly reduced level.
Your company’s visibility & outreach are critical for sustained operations. Business won’t be usual for an extended period.
So planning and executing on that plan are now more critical than ever. And let’s face it, you and your staff may be sidelined for extended periods at any time.
So creating tactics that you can “set and forget” are crucial. Your advertising, marketing and social media campaigns are perfect for this.
Additionally, we need to keep business moving for everybody’s benefit.
To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, Leadership will require you keep your head while others around you are losing theirs.
This idea is to stay in business versus cutting back and it applies across the board.
To again use our local yoga studio as an example, they respectfully requested that members not cancel their membership, so that in a few months time there will actually be a yoga studio to come back to.
Share the pain, spread the wealth. We can all help each other get through.
We have of course, also been helping our clients craft strategies and messaging for their coronavirus responses. With everyone working at home, digital is more important than ever. Our experienced and compassionate team can help you adapt to the new realities with all the digital tools at our disposal. We’re here to help.
So, if you need help updating your website, creating the right message, changing or running your ad campaigns or your social media, reach out to us. We’re here and will spend some time with you discussing what you need (we promise, no sales pitches). And if you just want to have a friendly conversation, that’s ok too. 🙂
You can schedule a call or just call us right now: 512.520.5234, x103.
So let’s all try to support each other, and be careful out there!