SEO Myths Busted and Truth Revealed
Shari Thurow, an SEO writer and web developer that i’ve know for years and respect highly has written an excellent article about common misconceptions about SEO. These are the same issues and questions that I confront regularly.
The truth about SEO is that it isn’t about tricks and whiz bang technology. Good ranking happens because a good SEO addresses the basics first and knows that without them the site won’t rank well no matter how much the client wants it to.
1. Unique content that makes use of the keywords your audience use and search for.
2. Site design that gives the user AND the search engines easy to follow, logical access to the content.
3. Quality third party inbound links pointing to the site.
SEO, just like site design, is an ongoing process. So, do the basics, test, and adjust based on the results. That’s a formula for good ranking and happy users.